Violence is not our way of life. It is foreign to us and we want to keep away from us. 
Dictatorship can be a short-term phenomenon. It provides a short cut, but life proves us that short cuts create more problems than they solve. 
We cannot do without importing know-how and technology... but dependence on collaboration is bad, for it diverts from our own efforts and encourages people to take an easy road. 
The Indian character is such that the people see things in extreme. If something is good then they will praise it to sky; if it is not good, then they think nothing can be worse. 
I am not a woman, I am a person with a job. 
I am not a woman, I am a person with a job. 
My public life began at the age of three. I have no recollections of games.... My favourite occupation as a small child was to deliver thunderous speeches to servants. All my games were political ones. I was like Joan of Arc, perpetually being burnt at the stake. 
I am full of ideas but I haven't the driving force and energy to execute them. One has to fight so much for every little thing. I was born bone lazy... 
When I got the news of my defeat (in the 1977 general elections), that is my personal defeat. I had surge of relief, as if a tremendous rock had been lifted my shoulders. 
I am a small person but I have stood for certain values and objectives. Every insult hurled at me will rebound. Every punishment inflicted on me will be a source of strength to me. 
Sanjay Gandhi was not like a son but an elder brother, who gave me support and help. 
By and large the press seem to think that the freedom of press lies only in being anti-Congress. 
I am not terribly at home with the upper classes... many of them are concerned with "superficial things". 
My white patch has become a trade mark and I think it would be pity to hide it. 
The marriage of Maneka with Sanjay was the result of a conspiracy of certain forces who wanted to infiltrate into my home. 
The Emergency was treatment for a particular illness. It is not something you can repeat. 
I regard myself more as soldier for freedom than as a prime minister. 
It would be powerful if I could do exactly as I wanted, but I cannot. I have never felt that I am leading. Even though I have been here for so long. I feel funny when people call me prime minister. 
A deliberate and systematic campaign is spreading bitterness hatred between Hindus and Sikhs. And worst of all, the unity and integrity of our mother land is being openly challenged by a few who find refuge in Holy shrines... To sections of Punjabis I appeal, "Don't shed blood, shed hatred". 
Attempts are being made to eliminate me but I will preserve the unity and integrity of the country till the last drop of my blood. Every drop of my blood, I am sure, to contribute to the growth of this nation.