US President Barack Obama and first lady greet members of the public in the Blue Room at White House in Washington during an open house.
Warm handshake, radiant look: That's Obama
"Anything is possible in America. Anytime," said the then Senator Barack Obama four years ago during an interaction with India Today's Associate Editor Ramesh Vinayak, who had caught up with him at an election rally in Chicago then.
Obama sought Indian votes through Hindi leaflets
Barack Obama, who is set to become the first black US president, had projected himself as a "powerful" spokesman for minorities as he wooed the Indian-Americans in their vernacular languages.
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John Adams was the first US president to live in the White House.
President Theodore Roosevelt gave the White House its current name in 1901.
It has 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms and six levels, which have 412 doors and 147 windows.
The White House has a tennis court, swimming pool, theatre and bowling lane.
The White House kitchen can serve dinner to almost 140 guests at a time.
The White House needs 570 gallons of paint to cover its outside surface.
Obama campaigns on a pledge to withdraw US combat forces from Iraq within 16 months.
Obama freezes the salaries of senior White House staff who make more than $100,000 a year.
National Security
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World leaders congratulate Barack Obama
Leaders of many countries including Canada, New Zealand and Iran have congratulated Obama on his historic victory.
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Joe Biden
US Vice-President elect Joseph 'Joe' Biden is a longtime Senator and veteran foreign policy expert who is considered a close friend of India. Biden, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, was a strong backer of the Indo-US nuclear deal.
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Franklin D. Roosevelt
Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
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Obama shakes a leg
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Obama sworn in as US President
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The democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama backs the Indo-US nuke deal but may he be under pressure to reinforce non-proliferation rules that could restrict transfer of technology and fuel to India.
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The Obama effect
Obama, like Rajiv Gandhi, brings the promise of big change. The concern is, can he deliver. Raj Chengappa tells more.
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  Will Obama deliver on his promises to the American people and the world?
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