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Make smart food choices
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shuktoIt's that time of the year again, the one where you juggle work, home and the chaos that comes with being part of a wedding. From being a guest to hosting the event, weddings can be a nerve-racking affair for everyone. Never mind the fact that your morning jog is now a distant dream, thanks to the regular partying and shopping binges.

You are also constantly sorrounded by rich cuisine that transports you back to childhood. Top that with the stress of a major transition in life and what you get is the perfect excuse for comfort eating. Being torn between looking your best, and craving the savouries of a feast are a pain most women have to endure. This celebratory season think ahead and learn to make smart food choices so that you have guilt free fun.

Crave control
This is the perfect time to reflect on the adage-we are what we eat. If you want your skin to break out right before a major function then go ahead and binge, but if you want beautiful, glowing skin then nourish it by keeping yourself hydrated and eating high fibre. Cook for your skin and it will pay you back with beauty.

Your diet is a key factor in achieving a fresh and natural look. Eat and sleep in time, releasing free radicals that accelerate the age process. This often results in tired looking skin that lacks radiance. Mumbai based dermatologist Aparna Santhanam, says, "While everyone is rushing for facials and spa treatments to achieve that festive glow on their skin, most ignore what they're putting on their plates."

Jaya Mishra, 40, an HR Executive, agrees, and says, "Every year I am invited to at least five weddings and it becomes really hectic. Running from office to a wedding party means I eat whatever I get," In a nation as obsessed with weight as it is with food, some checks and balances are all that one requires to avoid gaining those extra inches and look a million bucks.

Ishi Khosla, clinical nutritionist and director, Whole Foods India says, "We must ensure that we pay attention to what we eat throughout the day, when we have a wedding to attend." Maintaining your figure requires awareness about what is right and what is wrong for the body.

Making the right choices will help you not only look your best but also enjoy every wedding that you attend. Like Mala Keswani, 54, a teacher at Delhi Public School, Noida, who always makes it a point to drink a glass of milk before she steps out for a wedding feast, so she can focus more on the main course and not the snacks.

shuktoCheat sheet
A protein-rich diet supports a strong immune system, optimal fluid balance in tissues, high metabolism and weight maintenance, which is precisely what one requires. Dermatologist Vandana Chatrath, who is based in Delhi says, "eating a rich diet of proteins helps to improve the skin, hair and nails and are a good substitute for carbohydrates".

She adds that proteins help to keep the metabolism in check that indirectly contributes to making the skin look fresh. Starchy foods like potatoes, pasta, and rice are a strict no. What's a wedding if you have not experimented with all the flavourful cuisine that's been laid out for you? While trying out everything may seem like a great idea at the time, remember to exercise a little caution.

Spices too can have a negative affect on your digestive system as they not only heat up your body but can also leave you sweaty when you're trying to look your best. A healthier option would be to go for just the cottage cheese or chicken pieces and not the gravy. The thumb rule is to eat small portions as the fat content is high in these foods.

Overdose on water
Weddings are also a time when people just let themselves go and indulge in binge drinking, which is harmful for the body as well as the mind. Binge-drinking can leave the skin dehydrated. According to Chatrath, water and natural drinks such as coconut water, green tea and buttermilk can help maintain the glow especially during this season, as it cools the system after eating all the heavy wedding food and adds vital electrolytes to your diet.

"Avoid sweetened beverages, fruit juices, mocktails and cocktails. It is best to drink water whenever possible. Diet beverages made with artificial sweeteners can help control calories at celebrations, although drinking them on a regular basis may not help with longterm weight control," says Khosla. Water cleanses the system from within and this has a positive affect on your skin, making it glow.

shuktoSweet disposition
Dessert is the punctuation point at the end of each meal. Never restrict desserts unless medical needs require it. In quite another vein, eating a dessert could almost be considered obligatory when you are dining out and are presented with sumptuous gourmet treats. When the chef is taking out a freshly made batch of gulab jamuns from the pan, not indulging in a couple could surely qualify as one of life's lost opportunities.

"If you are very keen on desserts than either try a bite or if you want a full portion just take a very light meal," says Khosla. However, Chatrath adds that desserts that are deep fried in addition to being overtly sweet like gujjia and mal pua should be avoided as they would increase the release of insulin in the blood. This can in turn cause the skin to look lustreless and lead to pigmentation and acne.

With desserts, the goal should be maintaining flexibility. Feel free to exercise discretion and caution, while exhibiting moderation and balance it out by trying a little bit of everything. Festivities in the winters are associated with eating a lot of dry fruits and nuts.

"Walnuts and flax seeds are a wonderful source of Omega-3 fatty acids. One should eat these in between meals to get glowing skin," says Santhanam. Almonds and walnuts are also a great source of protein which is essential for healthy skin.

Food constitutes a major part of our lives and no celebration is complete without delicacies made for the ocassion. Some people are lucky enough and can eat whatever they like without worrying about the excess amounts of oil and spices. But others need not starve themselves to look pretty in that coveted outfit.

Remember, weddings are meant to be enjoyed. Don't stay hungry, instead think smart and indulge in a high protein snack half an hour before a party. This will not only fill you up but you will save yourself the morning-after trauma of a gluttonous binge. Remember to keep yourself hydrated to boost your metabolism and get ready to enjoy the party.

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