Festive Fervour » Eating Out
Giani Di Hatti
If you’ve just moved to Delhi and you’re looking for something that exudes the flavour of the city, you won’t find a better place.

Mughal Darbar
The owners of Mughal Darbar wanted to create an empire that would compete against the mighty Karim’s. Fortunately for us, Mughal Darbar remains small and quaint.
Siya Ram Nanumal Kulfiwale
Here, at this evocatively named shop, you get the sort of kulfi that turns atheists into believers.
Old and famous jalebiwala
You have to admire the concision: Old and Famous Jalebiwalla is, well, old and famous.
Al Kauser
This outlet is an offspring of the earlier restaurant (by the same name) which used to be on S. P. Marg.
Oh! Calcutta
If you're looking for authentic Bengali food, 'Oh Calcutta' is the place for you. Its must visit in Durga Puja for maximum discount.
Meeting Ilish
If you can wangle your way into it the best place in Kolkata to eat hilsa, by popular opinion, is the exclusive Bengal Club. But Dewan's kitchen at the Park is not far behind.
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  Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Buddhi Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha  
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