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Light side of life
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shuktoAyaan Ali Khan
Sarod Player

Shopping for firecrackers begins, the diyas, always bought from the Blind School Mela in Delhi, are brought in; relatives start dropping in and sweets with their rich aroma remind me that the Festival of Lights is not too far away. It's that time of the year when there is a different flavour and colour in the air. India looks like a bride dressed up for her wedding. It is indeed the time when good takes over evil and differences and bitterness takes a back seat.

I was fortunate to be raised with diverse cultures at home, having parents from both Hindu and Muslim backgrounds. Hence, whether it is Diwali, Eid, Christmas or Holi, everything is celebrated at home. The beautiful aspect of a festival like Diwali is that you can have people dropping in at home at anytime without a prior appointment. This was traditionally an (amazing) everyday thing of India, which barely exists anymore but thanks to this festival, one has visitors landing up all through the day.

Bursting crackers is still one of the best childhood memories I have of this joyous festival. As kids, I remember getting firecrackers a few days in advance and keeping them in the sun for better 'results'. I don't know if that was just a myth among kids, but never the less I followed the rule. Once our rocket went all wrong: we smartly angled it towards our own gate and it went straight for our office. There was also one Diwali where we were gifted a mini Ravana to burn down... only it took forever!

Diwali is one festival that has not diluted even with changing times. Its interpretations are different all over India, be it in Bengal, Maharashtra or even down south. I hope that we celebrate Diwali and all festivals with greater joy in the years to come.

Courtesy: Travel Plus

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