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Happy hours
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shuktoRohit Roy

Although we celebrate most of the festivals like Holi, Eid, Christmas with great fervour, being a Bengali, Durga Puja has special significance for me and my family.

My earliest memories of puja go back to my childhood days in Ahmedabad. I remember that mom made us wear brand new clothes and took us to the pandal where all the Bengalis of my colony used to get together to celebrate. Those four days used to be full of fun.

Bengalis are pretty gregarious by nature so the mood was always very upbeat and the atmosphere noisy. I remember aunties pulling my cheeks as I was a cute, chubby kid but I used to hate that attention! But what my brother and I simply loved were the delicious mutton chops served at the puja bari.

I strongly believe that my year ahead would be better because of the goddess' blessings that I seek. The sculpture of Durga is so beautiful that it would convert a non-believer into a believer, even if for just a fleeting moment. She really is beautiful. Every time I see her I get goosebumps. For those four days I would end up forgetting all my problems. On Dashami we have a big gathering at home where the entire family has dinner and bursts crackers.

As I grew up, with the shortage of time, my attendance at the puja bari became less regular and I started going only for the prayers and skipped most of the celebrations, such as the evening entertainment--unless I was taking part in it.

But the one thing which I miss most about all the festivities today is the presence of my father. I lost him when I was a teenager. My most memorable moments of the puja were always with him. And I still miss his presence in the puja pandal, though I know he is still there somewhere.

Courtesy: Travel Plus

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