प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के स्वच्छ भारत अभियान से जुड़ने के बाद 'इंडिया टुडे ग्रुप' ने 'सफाईगीरी अवॉर्ड्स और समिट 2015' की शुरुआत की. इसके तहत 13 विभिन्न वर्गों में शानदार काम करने वाले लोगों एवं संस्थाओं को उनके कार्यों के लिए प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने सम्मानित किया. इंडिया टुडे ग्रुप के ‘सफाईगीरी अवॉर्ड्स और समिट 2015’ के मंच से प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कहा, ''देश में पहली बार स्वच्छता अब एक मुहिम बन गई है.''
'सफाईगीरी समिट और अवॉर्ड्स' का मंच मौलिक कार्यों में लगे देशभर के सफाई चैंपियंस की प्रशंसा करता है. हमारा प्रयास स्वच्छता चैंपियंस की पहचान कराना और उनके उदाहरण से भारत को प्रेरित करना है.
About Care Today
Care Today Fund is a corporate social responsibility initiative of India Today Group was established in 1999, to help people affected by tragedies and lighten the burden of those who are affected.
In this process, we wish to address the helplessness of people who wanted to do something for the causes they concerned about. Care Today Fund is governed by a Board of Trustees that includes Mr Aroon Purie, the Editor in Chief of India Today.
Since its inception we worked to rehabilitate victims of Kargil conflict (1999), Odisha Super Cyclone(1999), Rajasthan drought (2000), Gujarat earthquake(2001), Indian ocean tsunami (2004), Kashmir earthquake (2005), Kosi floods in Bihar (2008), and Leh flash floods (2010). Currently we are working to support rehabilitation efforts in flood affected locations of Uttarakhand (2013), and Jammu & Kashmir (2014).
Clean Toilet Funds by Care Today
On March 08, 2014, the 13th edition of India Today Conclave gave birth to a special initiative towards promoting hygiene, women security & empowerment.
Socially conscious participants present in the conclave, motivated by the Bollywood superstar Mr. Salman Khan contributed Rs 77.9 lakh to construct toilets for underprivileged women.
Care Today Fund added additional resources to initiate construction of 700 household toilets at a cost of Rs 91 lakh. Care Today Fund with World Toilet Fund (WTO) as its knowledge partner established partnerships with Gram Vikas located in Bhubaneswar, Nageshwara Charitable Trust in Nagpur, and the Nanhi Chhaan foundation in Gurgaon and initiated construction of these 700 toilets in rural areas in Ramtek, Solan, Amritsar and Mayurbhanj districts. As of June 2015, construction of 496 toilets is completed and the balance is in different stages of work.
School Awareness Plan by Care Today
Field experience has established that lack of awareness is a critical obstacle bringing a behavioural change in people and children have a strong influence on family and could be a strong medium to achieve the desired behaviour change. Care Today with the donations received will engage well know NGOs to work on field. The identified NGOs with the grants received from Care Today will implement the school awareness programs and the same will be monitored by Care Today Fund.