The 12 % who would like to be a stay-at home dad after marriage will definitely not fill up a convention hall anywhere, but at 17% the men in the East zone exhibit a rare attitude.
14% men in the South zone do not want to marry a working woman while 23% want to. And most of those who are willing to do so are also willing to be a stay-at-home dad.
For 63% men, "being successful in life is top priority."
Close to 48% men are "willing to take chances in life."
While 32% of the young men in general would like to marry a working woman, the same proportion is quite high at 45% in the East zone and 41% in the West zone.
Think of the young unmarried working man below 30 years of age, and a thought may come easily in the mind that they constitute a totally different set in comparison with the rest of the men - married and older. Understandably finding the right marriage partner occupies the mind of many (44%). While overall 32% of the young men would like to marry a working woman, not a large proportion by itself, the same proportion is quite high at 45% in the East zone and 41% in the West zone.
Tell us your experiences of being an Indian man or living with one.
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Guy Talk
Jeffrey Vardon, 42:
Earlier, they (Chennai men) were all MCPs. Now the man is far more relaxed. He is willing to listen to his wife.