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Survey Snippets - Males
Survey Snippets - Females

India Today   »  Sexy Secrets   »  Survey Snippets-Males

Underage Sex

  • Some 38 percent of men approve of underage sex. Approval is highest in Hyderabad (78%) and Ahmedabad (54%). Most (39%) men report having had sex for the first time in their twenties followed by teenage (28%). Men in Hyderabad (38%) and Ahmedabad (34%) are the most likely to report having had their first instance of sexual intercourse in their twenties. Nearly one out of every ten (9%) men claims to have had their first experience of sexual intercourse in the preteens. Hyderabad (21%) followed by Chennai (15%) has the highest levels of reported preteen first sexual experiences.


  • Two out of five males approve of adultery. 72 Percent of males in Hyderabad approve of adultery followed by Delhi (62%)

  • Two out of five males who approve of adultery affirm having actually committed

  • Out of the males who have committed adultery males in Delhi are most likely across towns to have had sexual relations outside wedlock/ relationship. Hyderabad, at 62 percent follows closely on the heels of Delhi on the practice of adultery.

  • One out of every two males who have reported committing adultery had sex with their ex girlfriends outside their existing relationship. Two out of five admittedly adulterous men had sex with their neighbour. Three out of every four men in Bangalore (75%) and Ahmedabad (72%) who claimed to have committed adultery have done so with their ex girl friend.

Kinky Sex

  • Nearly one in every five males who committed adultery, have been party to partner swapping. (Hyderabad one in every two adulterous males have indulged in partner swapping)

  • One in every five men who committed adultery was persuaded by their partners for partner swapping. (Highest in Hyderabad 52%)

  • Nearly one out of five males thinks that kinky sex is good for relationship. Highest is Mumbai where one out three men that kinky sex is good for relationship.

  • Nearly one out of five males who had sex admits having sex with a eunuch. Chennai registers highest incidence of sex with eunuchs (two out of three)

  • Some 15% of all men surveyed have used sex toys. Hyderabad leads with 41 percent

  • 2 out of 5 males who have had sex like role playing while having sex. Highest in Hyderabad (56%).

  • Three out of four men like to experiment with different positions while having sex. Hyderabad being the highest where 9 out of 10 males experiment with different positions. Followed closely by Delhi at 89 and Ludhiana at 87%.

  • Two-third of males feels that their partners are adventurous when it comes to sex. 84% Hyderabad Ludhiana 77%

  • Missionary position remains to be the most popular position (69%) while having sex followed by woman on top. In Ludhiana nearly the totality of men who have had sex prefer man on top position.

  • Rear entry is preferred by 40 percent of males who have had sex.
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First impressions

13 per cent men have slept with their neighbours, which is higher than the percentage with colleagues and prostitutes.
'Twelve per cent more women (in comparison to men) prefer spending the night with a gigolo from a different country.
40 per cent men consider rear entry their favourite position compared to only 17 per cent women.
47 per cent respondents in Ludhiana have committed adultery. Delhi comes second at 39 per cent.
22 per cent divorced males disapprove of homosexuality. The corresponding figure for married and single men is 80 per cent.

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Surfer Speak
Sanjiv Gupta, Perth
It's disheartening to read the changing face of the Indian society towards sexuality. I congratulate India Today for conducting such a difficult survey and enlightening us with alarming statistics.
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