Brand consciousness has clearly permeated across all age categories, though perhaps expectedly it is most among the youngest segment (44% highly brand conscious) and least among the 55 yrs+ (35%).
Forty per cent Indian males strongly agree that they are "very brand conscious in buying apparels."
While Chennai rules the roost as the urban centre with the highest brand consciousness (71.4%), Mumbai is last on the list with 32% brand consciousness.
More than half (52.4%) of North Indian men are very brand conscious when it comes to shopping for apparels.
Over 40% of men can be classified as having high brand consciousness, about half of them very highly.
It was found that for most men the brand represented a status value in the sense that when a man bought a well-known brand, he liked to exhibit the same or talk about it. The brand conscious person equated his brand with quality. The study gives evidence that the brands are defining behaviour in the life of a large number of men. Over 40% of men can be classified as having high brand consciousness, about half of them very highly.
Tell us your experiences of being an Indian man or living with one.
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Guy Talk
Jeffrey Vardon, 42:
Earlier, they (Chennai men) were all MCPs. Now the man is far more relaxed. He is willing to listen to his wife.