Uber-emotional men that constitute 31% of Indian men have significant higher materialistic attributes than others.
As emotional profile of the men move from the expressive metro profile to the macho uber profile, their exploratory attitudes increase consistently and significantly.
While only 28.6% of Indian men aged between 21-30 are metro emotional, the percentage reduces visibly to 25.5% for 55+ males.
While metro and uber emotional materialistic attributes decline with age, one can see slightly increasing moderation at the older ages (39% in 21-30 yr old unmarried men to 45% for 55+ married men).
The metro emotional man is softer, often carries his feelings on his sleeves and does not mind showing them. The uber emotional man is unlike the metro emotional man.
Emotionally, the Indian men remain far more tractable across all classes. And the study defined two characteristics that emerged more appropriate in this respect, and they were termed - the metro emotional man and the uber emotional man. The metro emotional man is softer, often carries his feelings on his sleeves and does not mind if the sleeve is showing. The uber emotional man, by definition is the one who is not metro emotional.
Tell us your experiences of being an Indian man or living with one.
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Guy Talk
Jeffrey Vardon, 42:
Earlier, they (Chennai men) were all MCPs. Now the man is far more relaxed. He is willing to listen to his wife.