There is no surprise that virtually the same pattern is revealed on the response to "Government regulation of business is necessary to protect the public."
Though about 57% strongly believe that "censorship of films and televisions is necessary for India" there is significant divergence of opinions across the zones in this respect. North and West hold views at similar levels, around 60%, followed by South at 55%. The most liberal on this are the men in East, only 44% holding it strongly.
61% in North and 62% in the West believe "Censorship of films and television is necessary for India."
The men in the East are much less liberal and feel "It is alright that there are children in ads these days", only 30% holding agreement on this in contrast to 55%, the most, in the North zone, and 48% in the South zone.
Indian men have strong opinions and their views on business and the government are clear and unequivocal and most opinions do not flatter the business corporations and they wish for higher control of government over business practices. 61% strongly believe that the business corporations make too much profit. In the South, this is held by lesser proportion, 54%, than in other zones. The highest proportions come from North & West, about 64%, with East somewhere in the middle at 60%.
Tell us your experiences of being an Indian man or living with one.
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Guy Talk
Jeffrey Vardon, 42:
Earlier, they (Chennai men) were all MCPs. Now the man is far more relaxed. He is willing to listen to his wife.